Sunday, November 7, 2010


You know ... sometimes technology just sucks. We had a store meeting tonight at work. A video was to be played that was to be accessed through our work computer. The bulk of our meeting was centered on this video. The video link didn't work. "It'll be up in 2 to 3 days" we were told by the Help Desk when we called. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?

Finding out 45 minutes before my meeting was to start was rather upsetting. I'm sorry, but that is simply unacceptable to me. They have known for How Long that this was coming up? They instructed us when and how, and then dropped the ball? Now I have to pull people away from doing their jobs to watch this during this next week?! How is that productive?

I love my job. I know, I know ... Go with the flow ... but, seriously?!

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